Carer Care Inc. supports those who are at risk of emotional exhaustion from caring for others.

Let us share some of the projects to date.

As a small business project with the youth in Ducaten Village, developed a poster to show the concept of Carer Care Inc.

Using a community development model, members of the Ducaten Village were engaged to assist with developing a poster that depicted the ethos of Carer Care Inc. As we had no specific printing materials, potatoes were used as the stamps and poster paint to add colour on calico. The first 'showing' of the poster was at a conference in Adelaide, Australia.

Emotional fatigue with Dr Amanda Nickson and Dr Rhonda Emonson-Workshop in Townsville

Dr Amanda Nickson (Townsville) arranged a workshop in March 2021. As representative from Carer Care Inc. Dr Rhonda Emonson co presented along with Dr Amanda Nickson, on the practical aspects of incorporating relaxation into our everyday with a focus on caring for those who are for others as part of their professional role. Funds received by Dr Emonson's contribution to the workshop were donated directly to Carer Care Inc. Attendees included those from several disciplines including child protection, legal centres, welfare, counselling and social workers.

Managing emotional fatigue 

Pastor Teo and Dr Rhonda Emonson

A full day workshop on managing emotional fatigue was planned. However, the workshop was cancelled due to the pandemic. Presenters were to be Pastor Steven Teo (Lawyer/Pastor) from Melbourne and Dr Rhonda Emonson.

Not defined by adversity 

We all had to make changes during the pandemic and be inventive about how we could provide service.  A book of eight stories of inspiring people who have and continue to push through difficult times was compiled with each author receiving ten copies to distribute as they chose. Profits received from the sale of the book are donated directly to the work of Carer Care Inc. Each author was encouraged to write their story and most talked of their faith and how that sustains them through difficult times.

Coaching via ZOOM

To meet the needs of those who professionally care for others, an offer of six coaching sessions via ZOOM was held with participants taking up the offer from United Kingdom,  New Zealand, the Philippines and Australia. Six sessions of coaching with a discounted fee was made available to those who worked in roles of professionally caring for others and were at risk of emotional fatigue. 

RFAST - Resilience First Aid Starter Training

 RFAST offers valuable insights and practical tools for individuals from various backgrounds and professions, providing a comprehensive understanding of connected resilience and its potential for promoting mental well being. Join us to learn how you can make a positive impact in your community, organisation or personal life by fostering resilience and proactive support. Perhaps your organisation has several participants and you would like to organise a group training-let us know and we will work with you to help your organisation (if it meets the scholarship criteria) train staff. OR, perhaps some of your staff meet the scholarship criteria and others can be full fee paying ($70.00 per participant + GST).
Apply for scholarship here

Resilience First Aid

Resilience First Aid is a proactive and preventative approach to mental health with courses available to the public throughout the year. With a successful scholarship application, participants can access the Resilience First Aid Course with a fee discount.  Scholarship covers part of the registration fee only. 

Apply for Scholarship HERE

Workshops can be developed for groups on topics relating to managing resilience, self care and emotional well being. 

If you believe your team or organization would benefit from a workshop relating to caring for the professional carer AND it is geographically or financially difficult to access that workshop without a subsidy, please apply for a scholarship here. Each participant will be subsidised according to the terms and conditions of the scholarship and each applicant must meet the selection criteria.

Apply for scholarship HERE