Proactively reducing the impact of emotional exhaustion in those who professionally care for others

Carer Care International


 Help is available now for those who professionally care for others.

Life can be emotionally, physically and financially draining, particularly when you are in the caring professions. You are not excluded from concerns at home or at work and there are times where  professional and independent support can help you create desired change.

Individuals or organizations can get the support they need.

Appointments are available virtually and in person.

Support is available to enhance resilience, self care and emotional well being. Offering individual, group and online programs to meet the needs of those who professionally care for others and are at risk of emotional exhaustion.

Three key professional services


Professional individual and group coaching specializing in resilience, practitioner self care and emotional wellness specifically for those who care for others in their professional role.

Learn more HERE


Therapeutic intervention to help you with things that are troubling you.

Learn more HERE


Face to face and online courses relating to resilience, self care and emotional well being. No prior training required.

Learn more HERE

Free reading you may find helpful

Emotional exhaustion - what is it?

As carers, we are similar...

Intentional Gratefulness

About Carer Care Inc.

Programs and services to proactively prevent the impact of emotional exhaustion in those who professionally care for others AND who live in countries where they are unable to access support due to location and severe disadvantage. Scholarship application is a prerequisite to access subsidised services.

CLICK HERE to read the story of Carer Care Inc.

Are you interested in a few quick steps to learn how to relax?

From time to time, we will send you additional free content. Information that is relevant to the field you operate in.

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Do you need extra information?

Would you like to discuss some aspects of your situation before engaging in services provided by either Carer Care International or Care Care Inc.?
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We do not share your infomration wth ANYONE, however, your name will be added to our email list so that we can keep you up to date.

Who is Carer Care International?

Dr Rhonda Emonson is the Director of Carer Care International and provides majority of the services. Clients are national and international with clients from England, the Philippines, New Zealand and Australia.

Read her story HERE


Amelia - Philippines

'Together with other volunteers, we tried to find ways to help the people in our community'.


'I sometimes find it hard to go home and give to my own family after caring for others as part of my work-there seems little energy for myself and those that I love. Talking this through and learning some strategies helped me understand that I am worthy of my own self care'.